Share Your Story: Day 5 - Kenzie Baeseman

How long have you attended Faith Christian Church?

7 years

In a few sentences share how you became a Christian.

My parents brought me to Faith Christian Church when I was 10 years old. After a few Sundays I knew I needed Jesus and I accepted him into my life. I was baptized when I was 11 and have been serving him ever since.

In what ways has Faith Christian Church brought value to your life?

Faith Christian has become my family. I have found so many great friends in youth and at church. Church is my favorite place to be. This past year when our youth took a trip to Colorado to go to Desperation Conference I realized I was called into ministry. So many leaders in our church were supportive and really helped me along the way to realizing what I was called to do. I am so thankful for everything they have done and still are doing to help me fulfill my calling. I couldn't do it without them!

What do you enjoy most about coming to church?

I love that there are so many young people that I can relate to and connect with.

What are you most excited for as we look ahead to what God is doing in our communities?

I am so excited to see how God is going to use our church to be a light to so many more youth like myself. Inviting friends to church is so easy because we have so many opportunities and great experiences for young people.

What is your favorite Bible verse and why?

2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."
When our youth was doing a series leading up to Crave Conference, this is one of the verses we SOAPed (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) on. When I first read it, it was such a simple verse I didn't really know what to write about it. I thought it was pretty self explainitory. So after praying about it for awhile, and with things going on in life, this verse really came into play. Having complete faith in God and in his timing and plan for life can be hard, but it's reward is even greater than you could ever imagine.

Adam Johnson